Principles, Ethics and Rights

Access Rights for d/Deaf and Disabled People

Summary of Good Practice Recommendations

All parties have a responsibility to:

Organisations have a responsibility to:

  • develop and implement a Disability Action Plan

  • plan and budget for accessibility

  • discuss access requirements and costs with creatives (where the person is comfortable doing so)

  • seek advice from d/Deaf and Disabled advisors when making their spaces and programs accessible

  • consult and collaborate with people with lived experience

  • include accessibility and disability awareness in training and inductions

  • give everyone the opportunity to identify their access requirements

  • discuss access in projects from planning to completion

  • implement equitable application processes, see Equitable Application Processes

  • pay d/Deaf or Disabled creatives commensurate with industry standards

  • separate artist fees from access costs

  • allow flexibility in processes, systems and deadlines

Artists have a responsibility to:

  • consider accessibility in the early stages of making work

  • contribute to the creation of accessible work when working with organisations

  • advocate for organisations to support access provisions

  • make their work accessible when presenting it independently and online

  • outline their access requirements and costs when working with organisations (where comfortable doing so)

  • separate their artist fee from access costs when preparing their own budgets